Glad to work with you. High quality, fast, professional! Let's continue cooperation!
Very good job of creating a video ad. Glad I chose this company. Thank you for your work!
Juris Habermanis,
Profesionāla pieeja lietām, kvalitatīvs darbs, termiņu ievērošana un elastīga pielāgošanās – tie ir vārdi, kas raksturo Videoservice. Ar sadarbību un veikumu esam apmierināti paši un droši iesakām citiem. Guna Paidere, Uzņēmumu reģistra galvenā valsts notāre
Ātri un kvalitatīvi paveikts darbs. Esam saņēmuši ļoti daudz pozitīvas atsauksmes par video rullīšiem no mūsu sekotājiem sociālajos tīklos, tāpēc noteikti rekomendējam VIdeoservice Studio!
Zane Jēkabsone, Sabiedrības integrācijas fonda sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste
Videoservice Studio - tā ir profesionāla un pieredzējusi komanda. Un kad radošos risinājumus papildina arī precizitāte un termiņu ievērošana, veidojas veiksmīga sadarbība. Esam gandarīti par paveikto. Labklājības ministrijas pasūtītie materiāli – infografikas, videografika un animēts video – ir veidoti ar izpratni par tēmas un nozares specifiku.
Edīte Olupe, Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu departamenta projektu vadītāja
Good luck to your business and I'll be happy to get back in touch if we need another video in the future.
Christian Ziegert, CEO of Kaya Biotics GmbH, Germany
Es, Gunārs Ķirsons, apliecinu, ka esmu veiksmīgi sadarbojies ar režisoru Aleksandru Srebniju no studijas "Videoservice” dažādu projektu ietvaros un esmu ļoti apmierināts ar paveiktā darba profesionalitāti un kvalitāti. Rekomendēju sadarbību ar A.Srebniju dokumentālās pilnmetrāžas filmai "Mazās valsts lielie cilvēki”.
AS "LIDO" Padomes priekšsēdētājs - G.Ķirsons
Watchmaking company „Enera” Ltd. would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to SIA "Videoservice” for your very high professional level and excelent customer service. ”Enera” is very satisfied with SIA "Videoservice” communication style and reaction time. We was very happy to get high-level videoproduction and hope to have long-term cooperation in future.
Sincerely, „Enera” Ltd. member of board A. Shishov
Many thanks to the video creators, for our excellent videos! Everything happened on time, nothing was delayed! Excellent attitude - it even happened that we got two videos for the price of one, nothing extra was asked. I definitely recommend it to others!
Thanks to the studio Videoservice for the film about wine production in CHÂTEAU FAUGÈRES(St. Emillion). The film has been made in the shortest time, professionally and of high quality.
Many thanks to the director Aleksandr Srebnij and staff of Videoservice for the professional approach in the creation of the film about my exhibition Art Domino in Liechtenstein.
Pal Sarkozy
Corporate video creation is a very responsible process, so we have chosen this service provider with extreme care. During Cooperation the LLC Videoservice team has demonstrate to be a responsible and professional partner with true interest and care for the assigned work and result.
Henning Strenge CEO, Strenge group
The result exceeded expectations. Thank Videoservice for their work.
Karina Kucerenko - director of Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA
The chief distinction of Videoservice studio is creativity in work.
Igors Jefremovs - Makroconcert CEO
We're working with Videoservice studio since 2001. I want to remark huge professionalism and reliability of our partner.
Konstantins Tjagnirjadko - Zepter international baltic CEO
We were looking after an international video-production company because we are also a worldwide operating company. Our business partner in Latvia recommended us the video service company. The filming at different locations throughout Europe and the subsequent translation to Russian, English and Latvian was very easily. Whole film production was on highest level. I would recommend this company with a clear conscience.
Hannes Gruber - Gruber CEO
We express our sincere gratitude for the responsible attitude and mutual understanding, for the good working relations between our companies, for the care and sincere attitude, for the top-level approach and meeting all of our requests, which seemed unmanageable to other companies!
Alexander Magarams – Member of the Board of the City Media Group
Videoservice studio - our long standing partner since the opening of the club. Always professional and creative approach to business!
Sergey Sadovsky - Chairman of the Board of the Fitness Academy Sportima.