General terms

In this document, SIA “Videoservice” (also referred to as Videoservice, the Company or the Editor in the text) describes the Terms of the Agreement (in the text - Terms), which is a legal agreement between the Client (the User, the Customer of services) and the Company.

You can use the services provided by Videoservice only if you agree with the Terms of the Agreement and agree to comply with all clauses. By using the Platform, you automatically agree to the general terms of the legal agreement of Videoservice.

If the Client does not agree to the content of this agreement, he is not allowed to use the services of the Videoservice Platform on and, as well as the list of services provided on the Platform. The company has the right to change these Terms of the Agreement, as well as the content of any documents that are directly related to this Agreement. The Company makes all changes as necessary and at its own request.

Videoservice notifies about the changes to the agreement on the Videoservice Platform itself on and, it is also possible to send an e-mail to the Client's e-mail.

1. Terms

User is a natural or legal person who has placed his order on the Platform.

Editor is person carrying out the execution of an order from the User.

Materials are text, images, video, animation, musical composition, graphic elements or other materials transferred to Videoservice for order fulfillment (in the text the User’s Materials, Materials).

Also, these are texts, images, video, musical composition, animation, graphics and any other materials for the successful completion of the order, included in the Project by the Editor (in the text Editor's Materials). In some cases, User's and Editor's Materials may be collectively referred to as Materials.

The Platform - the Website ( and, with the help of which the Client can request or order a video editing service from the Videoservice Company. For the high-quality execution of orders, the Company has the right to engage third-party editors who will perform the work on the basis of an agreement concluded between the parties.

The Project is a process in which both the User and the Editor are involved. In the course of the project, the User undertakes to perform actions to successfully complete the order. This is downloading Materials, describing the idea, participating in the editing by commenting on the process and accepting the finished project.

The Product - Video produced from the Materials during the execution of the Project.

2. Materials

The materials uploaded by the User to the Videoservice Platform must not violate the laws of the Republic of Latvia, as well as those countries where the product will be used. The User guarantees the absence of any violations in the content of the Materials, including the absence of discrimination on any grounds, propaganda in any of its manifestations and other legal, as well as moral and ethical violations.

In the event of any violations, Videoservice has the right to refuse to use specific Material. The materials that were uploaded and transmitted by the User are his property. The User is fully responsible for the Materials transferred to the Company. The User is obliged to compensate the Company and all persons involved in the Project for all losses and other expenses connected with the User's Materials.

The Editor, as well as the User, may not have intellectual property rights for specific Materials or other creative elements in the event that Materials from third parties are used.

The User and the Editor have the rights to use the Product.

The Editor is not responsible for possible consequences as a result of using the User’s Materials.

The User gives the Videoservice editors, as well as all involved editors, the right to make changes to the Materials for the successful implementation of the Project.

3. Platform

Videoservice has exclusive rights to the Platform. The Videoservice platform, located on and, is the private property of the copyright holders.

3.1 Terms of use of the Platform

The User is prohibited to use the Videoservice Platform by illegal actions.

Videoservice, at its own discretion, may remove any Material from the Platform that is in conflict with these rules, as well as exsisting laws.

3.2 Platform Security

Videoservice cares about the security of the Platform, but does not guarantee its absolute security. By using the Platform, the User confirms that the Editor does not guarantee absolute security and confidentiality of any Material.

3.3 About damages

The user is obliged to compensate Videoservice for losses caused by non-performance or improper performance of obligations.

4. Comments, complaints and suggestions

For a better result, the Videoservice Platform offers two-way communication while working on a Project. In this regard, the User is encouraged to ask questions regarding the execution of the project before starting the execution of the order. All subsequent comments are accepted in accordance with the selected service package.

By submitting Materials to the platform, the User gives the Editorr, as well as all involved editors, the right to make changes to the Materials for the successful completion of the Project.

If the original video exceeds the volume limit specified in the selected tariff, the User must either pay the difference in the cost of the tariffs suitable for the volume of the original video, or provide the original video according to the specified volume of the purchased tariff, independently reducing its volume to that specified in the tariff. If this excess is not eliminated, or the payment of the difference is not made by the User within 5 (five) days after the initial payment, Videoservice returns the initial payment to the User without proceeding to editing the Material.

5. Billing information

Videoservice handles the payment process through the Stripe system ( When paying for the service, the User must indicate the following information: Company name - Videoservice.

To conduct a transaction, the User must have access to information about his VISA or MASTER CARD or other payment information. The User should read the privacy policy of the Stripe service provider

The company does not have access to your payment information and is not responsible for the security of your payment information.

6. Claiming compensation

Videoservice accepts only a justified refusal of the provided service within 5 (five) calendar days after the fact of payment for the service. The User must send a written refusal of the provided service to the Videoservice Company’s e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In case of justified requirements of the User, the Company can provide a discount in the amount of the agreed sum, another service of the Company, or other bonuses upon agreement. If the parties have not come to a mutual agreement, the Company will reimburse the User  the cost of the service within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment the Client provides a written notice of refusal.

7. Disputes or disagreements

All disputes and disagreements arising between the User and the Company and not resolved through negotiations and a pre-trial settlement agreement are considered in the court of the Republic of Latvia at the location of the Company in accordance with local civil procedure legislation.

Please contact us by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write to our online consultant on the Platform and if you have any questions regarding these Terms of Agreement or the Privacy Policy.


Videoservice studio, Riga, Latvia
